Friday, February 06, 2009

Services Update, February 2009

Clinical Services

Paul Jerry Consulting Psychology, Inc., ( delivers professional services in general clinical and educational psychology.

I am located in Medicine Hat, Alberta and serve the City of Medicine Hat and a region that is loosely defined as Southeastern Alberta, from Brooks east to the border, and from Oyen/New Brigden south to the Foremost and east to the Cypress Hills area.

All services are billed at the rate of $170/hour. Longer-term or volume contracts may be negotiated at a different rate.

The assessment services include:

- psychoeducational and behavioural assessment (including early childhood developmental, and neurodevelopmental assessment) for ages 2y 11mo to late adulthood; these include children's FASD assessments through the local FASD Network, children's ASD assessment, school-based assessments through two local school boards, and adult assessments for AEII, including back-to-work and school/re-training
- addictions and parenting assessment in conjunction with local child protective services (contacted service provider)

The counselling/psychotherapy services include:
- counselling for parents in conjunction with local child protective services (contracted service)
- psychotherapy for mind-body and health issues (private access)

The consultation services include:
- supervision of clinical work including supervision of provisional psychology hours
- consultation to psychologists on business practise in the helping profession
- consultation for program development in the areas of assessment and intervention for mental health issues, and school psychology services

Contact information is updated as I will have moved offices:

(403) 502 - 6961

#112 - 430 - 6th Ave. SE
Medicine Hat, AB
T1A 2S8

Services Offered in the Crowsnest Pass Area

Since September 2006, I offer assessment services (K-12 school/psychoeducational, adult employability) in the Crowsnest Pass region. I am also offering limited psychotherapy services in conjunction with Fantin's Funeral Home in Blairmore. These services are not limited to grief/loss but may include all areas of mental health.

In collaboration with MHEC, we are listed with AEII as an approved provider of assessment services for adults, including pre-employment, back-to-school, employability, disability, FASD, and other issues for the whole Southern Alberta region.